Discipling marketplace leaders (DML)

What is DML?

The Discipling Marketplace Leaders ministry was designed to empower the local church to both establish and run successful marketplace initiatives. Through church-based DML programs, business owners and entrepreneurs will be empowered, equipped, and encouraged as they work towards success which is measured by missional, social, economic and environmental gains.

Why is this Important?

For many in the global church, wealth creation and spirituality are like mixing oil and water – the difference between light and darkness. But these misconceptions are not rooted in the Word of God and hinder the church in reaching its full potential in society. Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV) states, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

Wealth creation is rooted in God the Creator, who created a world that flourishes with abundance and diversity. We were created in God’s image, and He has invested in us the ability to be creative through His Holy Spirit, instilling in us the ability to create products and services for the common good of mankind. In the Wealth Creation Manifesto, issued through the Lausanne movement of 2017, the Manifesto states, “Wealth creators should be affirmed by the church, and equipped and deployed to serve in the marketplace among all peoples and nations.”

How is this Accomplished Through DML?

DML runs structured courses through the local church which provide the basic training needed by every business. From writing a business plan to managing accounting, participants learn what it means to both nurture and successfully run a business. This is accomplished through weekly classes conducted over a twelve-week period.

The DML leadership team also helps class participants find and utilize mentors for their business. This additional coaching helps business owners and budding entrepreneurs easily answer questions that arise as they develop their business entities.

Additionally, it is important that every business has a voice, and that Christian business owners and entrepreneurs work together for the betterment of their communities. Often, the voice of small business owners is stifled when dealing with governmental agencies or larger service providers. But working together, helping each other expand both business opportunities and the gospel of Jesus Christ, this network represents a significant voice. Global Advance calls the

development of these networks CBN’s, or Christian Business Networks – all started through the implementation of church-based DML programs.

Now is the Time

The world is changing, and the church is losing influence over a new, unchurched generation. By teaching the spiritual principles of wealth creation and proper stewardship through the local church, the church helps meet both the spiritual and economic needs of its members. Through DML, churches become equipped to help answer the complex questions members have concerning the marketplace in today’s society. Now is the time for churches to step up and provide this form of business empowerment to their members through the DML ministry.

The following document provides more information and steps to get involved: Discipling Marketplace Leaders

If you are interested in brining on Global Advance/Discipling Marketplace Leaders ministry into your church, please fill out this form and we will contact you regarding next steps.